Sunday, February 14, 2010

Trimester 1: Report Cards

It's time to get to Panama, and I've never felt more unprepared in my life. It's mutually frightening and masochistically fun. The "well, we'll see" side of me harasses the part of me that needs to be prepared. I've come to the conclusions that I'll be coming up with questions on the plane (here's hoping somebody has a Spanish dictionary for me to reference), and that my frustrating uncertainty is something I have to live with, at this point.

Aside from the slight paranoia that (hopefully) we're all going through together, I'm looking forward to get out of snowy Missouri. I've graduated from the "prepare for the tropics in the tundra" trimester of the Panama program, and here's how I think my grade card should look:

History: Good. Talks a lot, and often comes off as pretentious...but cute.

Biology: Satisfactory. Answers in a "spray and pray" method, and breaks pestels, or mortars. Not sure which.

Advanced Preparation: Needs improvement. Habitually procrastinates before realizing something's due the next day. "When's the plane leaving? Oh, Monday. Oh, wait...tomorrow Monday? [Expletive deleted.]"

Team Sports: Good. Looking forward to being with the Panama group, happy at the lack of douchebaggery...and the excess of coolbaggery.

Sleep Management: Poor. Needs to improve, before waking up tomorrow for the plane. [Either brilliant segue or very cliche] Safe travels everybody, see you in Panama (unless you're Marc, in which case I really hope you're in Kansas City). Salame, US!


  1. I will now and forever incorporate "coolbaggery" into my vocabulary. Thanks.
